Friend: "So how is the wedding planning going?"
Me: "It's not."
Friend: "Oh?"
Me: "Yeah, I kind of gave up on that. Plus, I've been busy traveling for work and stuff."
Friend: "So are you still getting married in April?"
Me: "Yeah, we are. Same place. Just not sure on the details or plans really. I emailed the caterer and I think our job is too small now. We'll probably be doing a DIY pot luck instead. LOL."
Friend: "Just put a menu together and we'll take care of it."
Me: "Awesome!"
So I'm 156 days from saying farewell to my "L-squared" status (yes, I'm proudly taking his name) and according to our Wedding Wire list, I have 91 tasks to complete before our wedding is "planned"! HA.
Since our plans changed earlier this month, I've been doing a lot of "Plan F" (Not do anything and wait and see what happens,) a little research, lots of praying about it, and a bit of hustle-bustle with some additional saving thrown in.
Friends, family, acquaintances, and even complete strangers from far, far away have reached out and offered their generosity, services, advice, and prayers. For that we are humbled and grateful and thankful.
One of my bridesmaids, and the gal responsible for me and Mike being in the same place at the same time to begin with... commented to me "Let's just make the food ourselves and make it casual... it will be SOOO much more fun that way. You don't need to stress about spending thousands of dollars to feed us. Let's just go out there and have fun!" Our conversation that followed really helped put everything into a new light. I never wanted the "traditional" wedding from the get-go, so maybe this is God's way of making it into something just right for us, something completely unexpected.
Gary Fong and I were chatting about the plans (or non-plans) on Facebook a week or two ago and gave me his best advice for planning... which I think is the best approach to adopt: "Just make it super laid-back and set expectations low... you're bound to have a blast no matter what then."
So that's how plans are going right now. They're not really. Every day for the next 156 days (and beyond) is going to be waking up and asking "God, what do you want for this day?" and maybe the occasional "should I be making wedding plans yet, setting that budget, making the menu, or picking a photographer?"
Friday, October 31, 2008
156 Days till we are MARRIED!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I want to put my Christmas tree up now...
... is it too early?
We usually wait until Thanksgiving but with this weather I want nothing more then to spend an evening pulling out the decor, brewing up some hot chocolate, and enjoying time in front of the fireplace while decorating the tree...
Charlie and Grace under the tree last year... they were so little and cute!
I just adore these pics of Charlie and Sarah Barlow having some bonding-time here last November:
So cute!
And I'll refrain from post the pics of Mikey wearing the tree skirt and doing ballet, and post this instead ;)
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Letters to the Next President
A while back, our church put together a pretty cool site where people can write "Letters to the Next President"... not to any particular candidate but to the Next President, whoever it is.
There are letters in there that I think REALLY speak the truth about what we should look for in our leaders:
- a steward, a humble servant
- surrounds him/herself with wise, trustworthy people
- the good of those they serve is more important than their own gain
- they don't just talk the talk, they walk the walk and lead by EXAMPLE
- they do what is RIGHT, not what is "FAIR"
- public opinion does not alter their actions or words
When John McCain was serving our country in the Vietnam war, he was taken as a prisoner in Hanoi. He endured five years as a prisoner of war and dropped to around 100 lbs, yet stood firm that he should not receive early release over his fellow American prisoners. He stood firm in backing this country and his fellow servicemen.
While I do not agree with some of the things Senator McCain is campaigning for, or has voted for in the past (ie the 700 billion band-aid of a bail-out plan), I do believe his experience ... not just from this one example but his whole career in serving our country and standing up for what is the WISE thing (what is right by our Constitution) even if it's not popular... makes him the best candidate to lead our country.
The crazy thing is that our current struggles are replays of history. This isn't the first time a country has been too spend-happy and loan-happy and economic downturn and hard times followed.
The "Letters to the Next President" is not just a website but also a look into what HISTORY shows about a leader and situations leaders have had to deal with like our current one. Andy Stanley explores three specific examples in history in a three part series... I believe these standards of leadership still are applicable today. Here's the 2nd part of the series that goes into an economic example...
...and the other two from the series...
Part 1 about a King
Part 3 about a Pharaoh
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Save America
Change is coming no matter WHO is president... The important thing is WHO will we vote for to lead us in the RIGHT DIRECTION?
Yeah, yeah, probably sick of the political posts on my blog... and my parents are convinced I should stop posting these things because I'm probably 'loosing business by doing so.' I've been torn down and trashed in emails, forums, and online for sharing my opinion (and sharing other's opinions I agree with) these past few weeks. Yes, it would be MUCH easier to keep quiet. But I choose to practice what the First Amendment gives us, and what is in my heart to do. I will not remain silent.
I will SHARE:
Focus on the Family Chairman, James C. Dobson's recent Newsletter
Huntley Brown's thought-provoking observations
Video footage from a rally in Miami that the news kept under wraps.
Interesting Howard Stern interview (I'm not a fan of his in general... but this is scary how lots of people really do not do their research!)
Last, but not least, I found this sermon particularly compelling. It's long but if you choose to watch, PLEASE take the time to watch in it's entirety. I really wish this pastor did not throw out the names and judgments on his congregation, but it's worth overlooking for the rest of it, IMHO.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Something about today reminded me of a blog entry I wrote Thanksgiving day, 2006. I had just returned back from Brazil, my whole world "broken" in so many ways, literally and figuratively. I wish that blog was still alive so I could go back and read it. I know there was something comforting there that I cannot seem to find in the brokenness of today...
I know God has something good in store through all the bad, but when you're knee-deep in one pitch of bad-news after another it's hard to see through the muck.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Lazy Day in New Orleans
checking out the riverside...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Empty or Full??
Just landed (a bit delayed) into New Orleans and waiting for Mikey's flight to arrive. Then to the hotel and to grab some dinner since we missed the rehearsal dinner from delays...
A fun pic from our shoot in Ft.Worth, TX today...
Crazy Cakes
We've been meeting at Tracy's studio space in downtown Ft.Worth this week for Boot Camp and she shares the building with a caterer and cake baker so it's ALL decked out with cake samples. I *heart* cake so much so this constant smell of yummy cake permeating the air is SOOO tempting!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Airbus 380 ride from Australia
In the past few months, I've been keeping an eye on flights to and from Australia as we're about ready to book our tickets for next spring.
Since the Melbourne Boot Camp is already booked full and Newcastle/Sydney is quickly on it's way too... Mike and I decided to make a multi-purpose trip to the land down under.
Work AND Honeymoon! Since I have Boot Camps to teach in late April (and thus we will be flying/staying there regardless) and we have a few weeks between then and our gettin' hitched in early April, we figured we would fly to New Zealand for the first part of the honeymoon, then to Australia for a bit before I start teaching there.
Qantas Airlines has been talking about their double-decker Airbus 380 for years now and it finally made it's first commercial flight on October 20th from Melbourne to Los Angles.
This plane is unreal! The largest in the world, it's got some MAJOR perks for long-haul rides and it will be awesome to see if it works to book our return flight on this.
Click the picture for a full tour!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Romance and Espionage
The doorbell of Tracy's studio jingled and soon we could feel the presence of someone standing, waiting behind us.
I turned to find a man in cap and uniform with a pink vase of roses and I cooed "oh Tracy... how sweet!"
It had been one of those days when I was thrilled to be busy, amongst a group of fresh friendly faces... anything to distract me from what was really on my mind. Somehow starting your morning with "the worst case is that it's cancer" does not bode well with me. I'd stayed fairly composed all morning mainly due to the fact I was teaching a group of 7 amazing ladies who were looking to me to keep things rolling.
When the man with the flowers announced "Le-A-na??" I was in utter shock thinking "WHAT!? FOR ME!?" and "Why would these gals send me flowers via carrier if they were doing something so sweet." The thought of Mikey sending me flowers I didn't even consider - he had NO idea where I was except that I was in Dallas/Ft.Worth teaching.
"Who is it from?" I asked and his quick, sly reply was "it's in the card" as he obtained my signature and quickly left. The gals oohed and awwed as I opened the card which was indeed from Mike. Somehow, he'd managed to work some espionage and found me! Tears welled up immediately and I fought them back with jokes about "how on EARTH did he pull this off and find me?"
Turns out he googled "Tracy" and "Ft.Worth Photographer," and found her blog, mention of her hosting a Boot Camp, address, then arranged everything. Today I was truly, completely surprised. While I'm not sure what the future holds for health, wedding plans, and most everything else, one thing is for sure; I've got a man who will love me no matter what.
Thank you dear fiance for the splash of beauty and sweet words to brighten my day!
I'm a sucker for cutie-pies...
Meet Bailey, princess pup of the Priddy household :)
Bailey felt left out while we were doing our "bio pic" photo session yesterday and so Rachel helped out with some promises of treats if she posed cute for me.
I told Bailey to "work it" and I think she did a really good job posing!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fabulous Four, Part Deux
Okay, in the airport now, so part two about the fab four I just spent time with in my Boot Camp....
Annie Gerber of the Phoenix area. Can you believe she's a mother of FOUR!? I think our jaws all dropped when she told us this and her real age! Such a sweetie.
Michele Terry of San Diego. She was SUCH a trooper and drove six hours Sunday AM to get here on time for Boot Camp, since she had a wedding to photograph the night before. She's a spitting image (to us) of another California photographer who's been through my lessons before... we kept doing double-takes!
Monica Archuleta, who just moved with her family from Michigan to Arizona. She's going to be an amazing addition to her all-inclusive planned community as their premier "relationship" photographer!
And last but not least, our amazing, honest, and VERY tech-savvy host, Rachel Priddy. Rachel's photography is Always Pretty, get it!?? No really, she decided to keep her maiden name for the business because the puns crack her up all the time. Love it! She also lent a helping hand to many others and taught a lot of FUN techi-stuff.
Rachel, thank you for opening your home to us and helping make this a possibility. Thank you all for your honesty, laughs, and a good cry or two too! Can't wait to see what happens for us all next!
Fabulous Four
I just finished teaching a Boot Camp in Phoenix and I had such an amazing time getting to know these four amazing women. More soon... running out the door now to catch a flight to Dallas/Ft.Worth
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ashley and Hunter's Engagement Session
Last Friday, I photographed Ashley and Hunter at the place where he popped the question: Piedmont Park. It was raining ALL morning and they were SUCH great sports and were ALL about making it work, despite the rain.
We started off under the tent at Park Tavern so we could be sure to get in some "dry" pictures before venturing out into the rain.
Ashley is like me and LOVES to dance and I must say Hunter did a great job leading her into some spins and dips.
Then we grabbed our umbrellas and headed out into the park
Hunter proposed to her at an area near the lake - viewable by the gazebo - so we headed there for some more pictures.
I always like to take some individual shots too during engagement sessions - here's one of my favorites of Ashley.
Love this shot of them on the gazebo through the moss
We stopped at the playground for a few fun shots too... they got pretty soaked from this!
As we were walking back to our cars after the shoot was done, I caught a few pics of them walking across the bridge... love that the lights were turned on even though it was the middle of the day!
Thanks Ashley and Hunter for an amazing session - I'm very much looking forward to photographing your wedding next year!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Look! My mug is on Seth Godin's new book!
Last year I stumbled upon a book that REALLY caught my attention. You see, I graduated with a Marketing degree... and have been teaching other photographers for years about how things have changed in marketing. It wasn't until I found Seth Godin's book, Meatball Sundae, that I REALLY felt I had solid evidence of what I've been teaching... about how a lot of what I learned in business school and previously practiced has been turned upside down lately. Markets have changed and the freedom technology gives us the ability to reach millions in a much cheaper, efficient way.
Since I read that book, I've been following Seth's blog on a regular basis. So when Seth asked his readers to join a group of individuals who all lead others (in many different markets and roles), I joined in and pre-purchased his new book, Tribes. Last week I got my copy from Amazon and another copy sent by Seth's organization as a gift to give away and share with others - how cool!
After about a week of having the book, Sara and I flipped open the book jacket and found my mug staring back at us along with 1400+ individuals who are also likely part of Seth's audience and forum participants. Haha. My mug made it on the book - right next to the cool baby!!
I have to admit I wasn't as excited to plow through this one as I was for Meatball Sundae, but after reading it I can certainly say it's going on my list of recommended reads!
I read the entire book last night on my flight from Atlanta to Phoenix and it's pretty marked up with notes and page folds so I can revisit some particular points. I'll be posting a more detailed review in the next week on my business blog.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Congrats Dana and John
tonight :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away
... or not!
This morning as I drove to Piedmont Park for an engagement session, I half expected to get a call to reschedule our photo shoot. But Ashley and Hunter where there and ready to face the rain with smiles on their faces!! Soooo many great shots to post but here's another sneak-peak:
My Kind of Clients
Look what happens when we go to the playground, in the rain, for their engagement shoot...
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Oct 31 = Holiday Album Order Deadline!
It's that time of year again! We only have a few more weeks to get those album changes made and details of the order solidified before it's too late for the holidays!
For all WEDDING CLIENTS, October 31, 2008 is the last day we can take Wedding Album orders and still guarantee they will be in by mid-December. If you have additional changes to make to your design before it's ready to order, please get those changes to us BEFORE October 31st so we have time to get another draft to you before the order deadline.
Farrah and Nick's Two-Volume Album Set in Ivory Premium Leather
Farrah and Nick's Album (spread is of their villa in Kefalonia, Greece... the Island where they were married)
Ata and TJ's Premium Leather Album - Four Seasons Atlanta, 2007
Christina and Shane's Coffee Table Books - Negril, Jamaica 2007
Don't forget about duplicates for friends and family!! After any main album is ordered, duplicates coffee table books can be ordered in 5x5" mini books, 7x7" travel-size, or 10x10" large size. These make AWESOME gifts for the holidays for your parents!
Remember that even if you get the Premium Leather Albums, you can still order the duplicates! Here's Farrah and Nick's with their 7x7" travel size duplicates:
It's the exact same design inside so you don't have to go through and pick out pictures again :)
Also, we offer our design and album services to ANYONE who wants one of these gorgeous albums.... as long as you can provide the files and permission to reproduce from the copyright holder. We know many photographers do not offer this service and how important it is for you to have an heirloom to keep in your home and display your images. After all, what's the fun of having the pictures if you cannot easily enjoy them?
Feel free to contact the design team at design at for more info :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Busy Portrait Day
It's been such a fun, busy day. Today I had not one but TWO portrait sessions for two amazing families and I cannot wait to have time to post more up here but here are a few sneak-peaks from today....