Hi, my name is Liana Lehman. Thanks for visiting my personal photo news blog that we fondly refer to as 'liana's bananas' thanks to my childhood nickname and tendency to post about crazy, fun happenings.

I'm extremely blessed to be doing what God has called me to do - helping others achieve the impossible and experience the beauty about them always!

I hope to share my adventures through this blog -- including my more recent 101 in 1001 challenge!


This is a place for me to post all the latest happenings in my world - whether it be recent images from destination weddings and lifestyle portrait shoots, something silly that's going on, and even some personal stuff.

If you're an entrepreneur or professional photographer, the BananasEDU blog is full of biz topics. Check out the links above and below for access to all our sites.

It puts a smile on my face to hear your thoughts so comment away and leave your links!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Marisha & Robert's Beautiful NC Wedding

This weekend, Sarah & I traveled up to North Carolina to photograph Marisha & Robert's wedding at the beautiful Hudson Manor in Louisburg... which is about an hour north of where my parents live so we also got to visit for the weekend!

The day was ABSOLUTELY perfectly BEAU-TI-FUL. I mean it couldn't have been any nicer out and the Hudson Manor house was such a great backdrop for Marisha & Robert.

Also, special thank you and shout-out to photographer and friend of Marisha's, Beth Crook for referring them... I believe Sarah's got some killer shots of the bridesmaids doing their "Stop in the Name of Love" routine... we'll have to see about posting some!

Have I mentioned before my LOVE for cake?? Well, this one we thought was especially pretty.
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The gals getting ready in the upstairs part of the house
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A few details.. LOVE the flowers & yellow walls!
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Just before the ceremony
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Love the light here with Marisha's dad walking her to the ceremony location outside!
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Giving her away...
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More great ceremony backlight!

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How beautiful was this outdoor location?
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The first kiss
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Some quick portraits of the newlyweds after the ceremony in the house

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Congratulations Marisha & Robert!!


Michelle commented: one word....sweet! Love the images especially the flowers and just the way the day was nice and brigt and that shot with the couple in the mirror was smooth :) great job Ladies!! October 17, 2007 at 2:03 PM
Beth Crook commented: GORGEOUS!!! Oh, feel free to not find those pics Sarah took of us singing...oh my... October 17, 2007 at 8:10 PM
Unknown commented: Great work. I especially love those lens-flare shots!
October 19, 2007 at 3:48 AM

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