Hi, my name is Liana Lehman. Thanks for visiting my personal photo news blog that we fondly refer to as 'liana's bananas' thanks to my childhood nickname and tendency to post about crazy, fun happenings.

I'm extremely blessed to be doing what God has called me to do - helping others achieve the impossible and experience the beauty about them always!

I hope to share my adventures through this blog -- including my more recent 101 in 1001 challenge!


This is a place for me to post all the latest happenings in my world - whether it be recent images from destination weddings and lifestyle portrait shoots, something silly that's going on, and even some personal stuff.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What do you BELIEVE?

I believe that our next President should be a US Citizen (and that we should not even have to question it)...

...and be someone who is PROUD to be an American.

I believe our next President should have proven past experience...

...and be ready to lead this country as the President for a while now.

I believe our next President should have an opinion on important issues...

...and to do what is right.

Last, but not least, I believe that our next President should be someone who is truthful, leads with integrity, and surrounds himself with others who are FOR this country.

I think it's SOOOO scary what this world is coming to. While I've never been a huge fan of either candidate, the research I've been doing in the past few months on both sides makes things quite obvious who is better suited for this job. A lot of the videos above are over-dramatized bordering on silly, but the facts behind them are what is important to recognize. Plus, I believe it's good to hear these words from their own mouths versus me just typing out the facts and who said what. I have to admit that the thought of having a woman President or African American President was very exciting to me at first ... and I do hope we see this in my lifetime... but I do not believe Barack Hussein Obama is the best person to be our next President.

I have a lot of friends that are praying for this election and you can bet I am too. My friend Kelly joked with me the other day that "surely these are the ends of times" with what we're seeing in the media and how many people blindly follow a leader without really researching them. We also discussed how many small businesses, including our own, will likely go out of businesses if Obama is elected president and goes through with his tax plans. Change is going to happen no matter who becomes President, in my opinion. I just hope we open our eyes to the kind of change that backs what this country stands for.

I know this is probably not the place to discuss politics and religion but this IS my personal photo blog and I cannot keep quiet about something so important to our future. I hope you will do your own research and do what is right for this country.


Jan commented: I totally agree with you Liana! I'm getting so concerned that I'm about ready to start talking to complete strangers about the candidates! :) I've yet to meet an Obama supporter that can give me ONE good policy based reason they support him, yet they seem eager to vote for him. Purely considering his policies, with all the character and loyalty issues aside, Obama would take our country in the wrong direction.

Consider this exchange Obama recently had on a rope line:
Plumber: Your tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?
Obama: It's not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everyone that's behind you, that they have a chance at success too. I think that when we spread the wealth around, that it's good for everybody.

If that's not a move, at least in mindset, toward socialism, what is?

As a small business owner, I certainly don't want to pay more taxes, which Obama doesn't want to admit we will. Nor do I want the government taking over the best health care system in the world.
A lot is at stake and I hope that everyone will put personalities aside and study the issues. Everyone that votes has the responsibility to educate themselves first.

I'm glad you're speaking up!
October 14, 2008 at 10:32 PM
Liana commented: Thanks Jan for speaking up too!! These are the conversations that are important to have. I'm REALLY glad you brought up the healthcare issue too. There are so many important issues at hand and that one is one of the scariest to imagine how it would be here if things go his way. We'd all be lined up outside the doctors begging to be helped! October 14, 2008 at 10:44 PM
Christy Carson commented: " best health care system in the world"

Your kidding, right?
October 14, 2008 at 10:51 PM
Jim Cook commented: I think we have the best healthcare system in the world. The doctors I see are awesome!

Thanks Liana for posting the videos -- they are EYE OPENING!!!!
October 14, 2008 at 11:28 PM
yvonne commented: I had to come out of lurker status for this one! I'll start by saying I have totally different political views than you but I think we can agree to disagree :). But what I truly BELIEVE is that neither one of these candidates is the answer for our country. Jesus is the answer, no if ands or buts about it. When it's all said and done, the Lord has a plan for my life and yours, my business and yours, my health and yours. So no matter if Barack Obama or John McCain is president, I'm not going to worry because I put ALL my trust in God alone, not this nation. Some may call it simplistic, I call it truth. Be blessed! October 14, 2008 at 11:35 PM
Annie Peterson commented: I think you are so right! This election really IS something to be praying fervently about... I think who gets elected is kind of a scary peephole to see the state our country really is in. October 14, 2008 at 11:42 PM
Liana commented: Yvonne, Thank you for agreeing to disagree and for your comment and boldness in putting that out there. I 100% agree that our faith should be put in God alone and not a person, political party, nor government. I cannot help but be wary though of a candidate who could likely turn this country to NOT allow us to say these things openly should he become president. Our country was founded in "In God We Trust" principals but what Obama believes in I dare suspect is something else... October 14, 2008 at 11:48 PM
Colleen Donovan commented: Thank you so much Liana!! I've been praying since the Primaries and can only hope everyone else is too!! October 15, 2008 at 12:25 AM
Chanel Parrott commented: Liana, Thank you for standing up your your beliefs! I do agree with you and Jan, I believe that even though neither candidate is perfect, but there is one that is a proven freedom fighter and one that I am scared will lead us away from having our freedoms as we know them!

I think Barack Hussein Obama will lead this country to socialism and than with his background and connections with Communism and Marxism...not to mention the congress and senate being controlled by the democrat party...this could be really scary!

Did you read his full name Barack Hussein Obama...doesn't that scare you in it self? Now hearing that he may not even be a natural born citizen? How can this be that we would let someone run for president with out checking this all out?

Did you know that because of Obama's connections with convicted terrorist William Ayers that he would not even qualify to be his own bodyguard if elected president!

I am praying every day....everytime I see a Obama or McCain sign that God's will be done in our Nation and although I know that he is in control, I don't believe he expects us to just sit back and watch. As believers He expects us to pray and listen to what His will is and to DO something about it!

Thanks again Liana for standing up!

October 15, 2008 at 1:37 AM
Mike commented: Glad to see you have your thinking cap on!!!!!!!!!!!! October 15, 2008 at 10:35 AM
Anonymous commented: any friend of colleen's is a friend of mine. i love your blog and i am going to forward it to all of my family (i have a pretty big one!) October 15, 2008 at 12:55 PM
Unknown commented: All of that is so unbelievably scary! It's all so surreal. I can't even imagine the things he's had to go around to get this far. I definitely am not voting for Obama. It's just so... scary. October 15, 2008 at 1:06 PM
Anonymous commented: First off - I don't know who I am going to vote for yet as I base my decisions on policy and not a person race, family or internet rumors.

"Did you read his full name Barack Hussein Obama...doesn't that scare you in it self?"
I am not sure what a person’s middle name has to do with anything.

We have two men who have two different view points on where this country should go, not a devil and an angle running against each other. There is nothing with disagreeing with what the candidate stand for, but when you start to attack a person character and use their name to defend your stance - than maybe you should have something more to stand on.

Even John McCain said to his OWN supporters "I have to tell you, he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as President of the United States." It is a Presidential Race - not a Conspiracy.

I think the sentence that Liana wrote "A lot of the videos above are over-dramatized bordering on silly.." was somehow over looked.
October 15, 2008 at 9:59 PM
John commented: Liana,

First of all, your destination art is amazing. Wow.

Second, congratulations on getting engaged. That's awesome.

Having said that, I'm really surprised at you. I thought, and still think, you have much more depth than this. It's hard to take anyone's point of view seriously when they make a point of pointing out someone's middle name because it's of Arabic origin. To borrow from SNL... REALLY??!!

Moving on, there's no reason to think that because someone is elected president, that suddenly means the president's plans and agendas suddenly become law. It merely means it's introduced to Congress who have two opposing sides who fight over the details and usually don't pass much of anything. My point being, there are checks and balances in our government, so there's no reason to be fearful soley based on who's elected president.

The reason, to be fearful, in my view, is the unprecedented spending that has escalated at the helm and behest of Bush. Our national debt is approaching 11 trillion dollars. Most of the 4-5 trillion dollars Bush has added has been funding defense and on the war. If McCain is elected, there is no question that this will continue. Think about how that money could have been spent. Think about who is going to pay for what was spent. It will be our children and grandchildren.

Given the reality of our national debt, the truth as I see it is no candidate running will be able to fund any of the major new spending initiatives they aspire to inspire us with. They say "we need to do" this and "we need to do" that, but little if any of their vision is even remotely possible without a budget to do it. In spite of all the campaign promises, I would be surprised if anything at all changes in government in the near future. Bush promised many of the same "changes" as every candidate seems to do. And not surprisingly, little was actually accomplished. One thing I am confident in is this. The fallout in the economy is just the beginning of what's to come.
October 16, 2008 at 12:32 AM
Brady Linkous commented: I am so incredibly disapointed in this post. I am not going to debate the specifics here, although it's tempting. I will say that I am a born again Christian man who works everyday to seek God's voice in my life. I am not sure how or why you have convinced yourself that God is of a certain political party....and to alienate and discredit your Christian brothers and sisters who may support a different candidate.I am so tired of being placed in the position of having to defend my faith. You see, the God I worship loves the starving child in Darfur....the aborted child in Pittsburgh....the farmer in Iowa....the terrorist in Iraq....and the Katrina victim in New Orleans. You see....he weeps for all of us. It is our sin that divides us. I too pray for this election...I pray for my sick wife and the mounds of medical bills that I will never...ever...be able to repay(remember my unanswered request for your advice). I will leave the debate about how we have moved towards socialism in the last few weeks....and of course healthcare to another time. I'm sorry Liana.....with this post I lost respect for you. October 21, 2008 at 8:33 AM
Liana commented: Brady, I'm not sure what part of this post leads you to believe that I think "God is of a certain political party"? I believe in the same God as you and I've glad you brought this up. I have respect for others who have different opinions on who should run our country, how our healthcare should be governed (or not), and whether or not they are born of American citizens and raised here i the USA. I may have different political views as you, but I've never stated that I believe one candidate or another is a "god." For you to indicate this is a shame. October 21, 2008 at 12:28 PM
Brady Linkous commented: "Our country was founded in "In God We Trust" principals but what Obama believes in I dare suspect is something else..."

I guess it was this line that lead me to believe that you were making a point about Sen Obama and Godly principles.

Also...Sen McCain was born in Guam....yes to American citizens........yes an American territory....but not exactly the heartland.
There is enough fear to go around in this country....trying to help a candidate by using fear and religion worked once....and I pray that the American people learned a very hard lesson. Debating the issues is healthy for everyone...spreading fear is not.
October 21, 2008 at 3:20 PM
Mike commented: A quick fact check: John McCain was actually born on Coco Solo Naval Air Station in Panama Canal Zone, Panama; where his father was serving our country. October 22, 2008 at 1:14 AM

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