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9:15 AM
3:15 AM - Wake up call from Art Hotel after going to bed by 8:30pm after hiking Acropolis
3:45 AM - Hotel people are so sweet and set out breakfast early for us. We enjoy a traditional greek
breakfast (practically nothing... they're not breakfast people apparently... most make due with a coffee
and cigarette... yuck!) of tea and toast and some sort of yummy chocolate bread
3:50 AM - Hop in cab and head towards airport in order to catch 5:30 AM flight to Kefalonia (the only
other choice is a 8pm flight... only two flights a day in and out of the island)
4 AM - Susan and I fear for our lives in back seat as we hit the highway at record speeds of we don't
know what because it's in kilometers. Mike seems okay in the front seat because he likes speed racing.
4:20 AM - We go skidding off the side of the highway at record speeds. My life flashes in front of my
eyes and Susan proclaims "flat tire!" right as the smell of burning rubber hits us.
4:21 AM - Cabbie insists he can change tire and still get us to the airport in time.
4:30 AM - Cabbie is not having luck getting old tire off. He starts to call for another cab to come get us.
Susan is trying to flag down the few cabs that drive by - they're all occupied. One finally drives by with a
light on and skids off the highway, backs up to our position on the side of the road, loads us up and
we're on the way again.
4:35 AM - Make it to the airport and run to be greeted by massive lines that we couldn't possibly get
through on time.
4:40 AM - Find a line that is shorter and wait patiently in it.
4: 55 AM - Get to front of line and the lady takes a look at Susan's print out and tells her she has to go
buy a ticket on the OTHER side of the airport lobby. We run over. There's a big line there too.
5:15 AM - Still waiting in new line. Susan pushes her way to the front with all our passports and waits,
waits, waits. All the Greek folks are helped first... even the ones behind her.
5:20 AM - She is finally helped and told that mine and Mike's ticket are supposed to be picked up at the
FIRST counter we were at. I go back to original lady and she is rude again and turns us away again.
5:25 AM - Other line turns us away too and says rude original lady has to help us and to go to the end of
her line. The lady won't help us.
5:28 AM - Rude original lady finally says "anyone to Kefalonia" and we finally get helped.
5:35 AM - Make it to security with tickets.
5:39 AM - Wait on bus on the other side of security with all the other people going to Kefalonia.
5:45 AM - Still waiting on bus. We realize at that point that Olympic Airlines apparently have no regard
to schedules or lines or anything.
6 AM - Finally on board and our plane lifts off and heads towards Kefalonia just as the sun is rising over
6:15 AM - I close my eyes and relax. Pheew. What an insane 3 hours!
.... to be continued