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9:11 PM
So there's this game of blog-tag going around. I guess it's my turn thanks to the fabulous Amy Martin, Michelle White, and Joy Moody.
We're supposed to spill the dirt on 8 little-known-facts about us then tag 8 others.
So here goes... in no real particular order...
8. I can turn my feet backwards. Thanks to over 15 years of training in ballet. It's really gross.
7. I'm allergic to cinnamon but eat it anyways. My parents couldn't figure out why I got red around the mouth after eating cinnamon applesause as a kid and we finally figured it out when I was older and cooking a batch of cinnamon candy. Mmmmmmmmm...
6. Glamorous first job. I washed dishes in a pizza kitchen for my first job when I was 14 years old. Every Saturday I'd get up early and head in with my sister to go to work for the day. My brother-in-law is from Italy and owns a cafe/sports bar/pizza kitchen in my home town. We'd make donuts out of the left-over pizza dough..mmmmm..
5. I LOVE kitty cats. I used to meow at my parents, friends, etc. Okay, some might say I've still got a frisky side. I had the cutest little (not really, he was really fat) kitty cat in college... but he didn't like ATL so he lives in NC now and I miss him :(
4. I used to be terribly scared of dogs. I was selling Girl Scout cookies to neighboors one summer evening and a really mean dog ran out of one of the houses and bit me on the behind. They almost took me to get a shot because of it. It was so scary. It took about 10 years for me to like dogs again...
3. Secret Family Recipe. For about ten years, I've had a secret plan to start a business selling a top-secret family recipe and retire by the age of 32. Just bought the domain name yesterday ;)
2. Crazy Dreams. When my parents were building houses when I grew up, before I saw the blueprints, I'd have crazy dreams about what they'd be like. Most of them had water going through the hallways so we could swim around the house... for some reason, they never turned out like that in real life.
1. Instead of playing with barbies... I used to turn my bedroom into a "library" and make my sister and brother pretend to check out books from me. In the summers, I'd take the entire contents of our pantry out to the back porch and get the big-wheels out and we'd play "drive through" and "grocery store."
Okay, that was fun... it was a bit difficult to think of since some of my little-knowns have been more-known for a while.
Who can I tag?? Hmmmmm...
The G and J$$ Family
Mr.Hall, Who's Been a Blog-Slacker about as much as me!
Paige Kearin who I can't wait to meet in person one of these days
Darling, hilarious Me Ra and Brian
David Jay who I'm sure has been taged but hasn't posted
Tim Ferriss, Author of 4HWW who's probably got some interesting things already out there
My long lost Crystal who I get to see in a few weeks :)
Last but not least, let's tag Kevin Meyers because it's been a while!