After much debate and a few months of pondering the idea, I decided this week to GO FOR IT and resume my title as "cat lady." Just Kidding. Technically, there are three of us young (human) ladies in this household and now only two baby kittens... so we still have them out-numbered!
Earlier this week, I made the treck down south of Atlanta to meet over 50 kitties without a home and these were the two that stole my heart. I had to wait to later this week to pick them up though because the boy kitty had a little operation so he and the girl can't have little babies anymore ;)
I think I officially freaked my mom out when I told her I'd be having kitties as my "babies" for now (she's finally starting to say "well... you MIGHT want to have kids in the next 20 years and start a family... hint hint") but rest assured I'm sure they'll get fat and old and will loose their kitty-appeal eventually ;)
So without further ado, meet Grace and no-name-kitty. Yes, no-name-kitty is still in search of a name. We were thinking of "Charlie" or "Zante" ... his adoption name is "Felix".... he runs around like a crazy animal sliding on the floor, wrestling Grace, and running into walls while making chirping kitty sounds... LOL. Any ideas?? Post em up if you have any and we'll be deciding hopefully this weekend so I can stop calling him "Orange Kitty" or "Lover Boy" (he is one!)
Grace is a perfect model, while No-Name doesn't like to stand still for a millisecond nor look at the camera, hence more pics of her!
-E November 4, 2007 at 7:12 AM