It's a big weekend for the Lehman clan this weekend as we're having my sister's bridal shower on Sunday and have family GTGs on Friday and Saturday.
Here a few pics from yesterday. We went over my sister Lissa's house for a while for the 4th and it had been 2 years since I'd seen them or the kiddos and they got SOOO big!! I grew up working in my brother-in-law's Italian restaurant where most of his family works too so it was a ton of people there I hadn't seen in forever.
My big sis Lissa with my niece Sophia
Another addition to the Carrino clan - so cute!!
On the way home we stopped by my aunt and uncle's house (My dad's brother) to see my grandma. Mike's met my immediate family and grandmas before but not my extended family so he got to meet a TON of folks yesterday. Here he is when my grandma claimed to remember him because of "his big brown eyes" :) She also thought I was my sister and said she was really excited for "my wedding" and had her outfit all picked out, etc. Hahaha.
My cousin Andy and his wife Cara were there too and I got to meet my baby second-cousins for the first time. Here's Lydia
and the oh-so-adorable (and quite the ham) Hudson:
My grandma made a point of asking to say goodbye to Hudson before they took her home
Here's Uncle Roy and Aunt Aileen
Mom and Mike
The guys (Mike, Dad, Uncle Roy) feeding the fish bread so my Uncle can go catch them later for dinner!
Okay... the next picnic is starting soon so I better get off the computer and help with the BBQ...