After going through a handful of Canon 50mm 1.4 lenses (err, about 1 per year since '06) I finally got my hands on the Canon 50mm 1.2L USM as my latest 1.4 broke again. So it's roughly $1,000 more but a good investment I must say when the others wear down so quickly and have to be re-purchased each year.
What I like:
- This feels like a sturdy, well-made lens. The 1.4 felt like a cheap toy
- The color is even more amazing. This lens with the 5D is unreal!
- I can focus in MUCH easier. It feels like butter compared to the 1.4!
- Did I mention the awesome low-light capabilities and depth of field??
Of course, when my shipment arrived, the only subjects in the house were Charlie and Grace so I called them out on the back deck right away for a quick test-shoot. One thing is, when you're shooting at 1.2 you can forget about both eyes being in focus unless they are on the same exact plane and you're back further. This one is straight out of camera, except for resizing and sharpening for blog.
I think I used this lens for 80% of the wedding I photographed yesterday it's so unreal! Pics of that coming shortly...