I suppose my #11 of 101 in 1001 is a BIT vague: Help my family sell their house and relocate. I'm not sure how much of this can be marked off yet because to be honest, their house is still not on the market as of yet... but it's very close!
Last month, Mike and I made the trip up to NC to help them get the house ready to sell, including our main purpose... to help them build a wall! They knocked down a wall upstairs to accommodate my little brother's rather large room / rec area but now it needs to go up to make the house more sale-worthy.
The room before we started:
We went to work by sorting through all of my brothers stuff, boxing, and storing it.
Here's the room, post-sort:
Next, it was time to get to work on the wall. I got to help tear out some pieces that needed to be removed on the edges, including the trim. I have NO idea what the technical term is for this!
While my dad and Mike got to work framing out the wall,
I went outside and helped my mom patch the lawn with some new seed
They managed to get the wall framed on Day 1...
...then Mike worked some electrician-magic inside their walls to get the new outlets hooked up correctly.
The next morning they got to work on the drywall (sorry dad and Mike that most of the pics here on out are of your bums!! LOL)
By mid-morning, the drywall was up, and ready to plaster/sand/paint/trim, which my dad's friend helped him with a week or so later:
Now all we need are prayers that this will sell once it hits the market!
J. November 14, 2008 at 4:53 PM