Perhaps all the fellow brides-to-be and recently-married can help with this.
Our wedding is just over 40 days away, we sent invitations out over a month ago, and the RSVP deadline is tomorrow....
To date, 40% of our list has NOT RSVPed - is this normal??
We didn't have a sit down dinner at our wedding, so I didn't NEED RSVP's to do the setting arrangements, but I was still annoyed!
Jessie...I can't imagine all the you didn't have enough to do already! February 21, 2009 at 8:34 AM
I don't think I realized the importance of this until you go through planning your own stuff. Now I make a point to remind myself to RSVP on time.
Jessie - WOW 100 out of 140!! Yikes!! February 21, 2009 at 12:51 PM
Oh, you'll get a bunch of RSVPs the WEEK OF the wedding. Seriously. February 21, 2009 at 3:17 PM