Hi, my name is Liana Lehman. Thanks for visiting my personal photo news blog that we fondly refer to as 'liana's bananas' thanks to my childhood nickname and tendency to post about crazy, fun happenings.

I'm extremely blessed to be doing what God has called me to do - helping others achieve the impossible and experience the beauty about them always!

I hope to share my adventures through this blog -- including my more recent 101 in 1001 challenge!


This is a place for me to post all the latest happenings in my world - whether it be recent images from destination weddings and lifestyle portrait shoots, something silly that's going on, and even some personal stuff.

If you're an entrepreneur or professional photographer, the BananasEDU blog is full of biz topics. Check out the links above and below for access to all our sites.

It puts a smile on my face to hear your thoughts so comment away and leave your links!


Friday, September 5, 2008

What is government for?

My last post seems to raise some controversy ;) No big surprise there and I have a more substantial (my fiancee loves that word!! LOL), in-depth thoughts on the topic.... but running out for another round of meeting with wedding vendors today, thus a post shall be delayed. Here's a thought to ponder that will lead me to my next discussion:

"Does the government exist to serve the demands of the majority? Or does the government exist to protect the rights of the minority? Either way, a leader that succumbs solely to the voices of public opinion becomes imprisoned to pleasing the people instead of leading the people."

What do you think a leader should be??


Stacey commented: Let's face it. Quite often the "Majority" is actually the "Minority". Example, here is Canada, legalizing same-sex marriage got pushed through super-fast back in 2005 - the gov didn't even ask for anyone's opinion. They just made it legal, end of story. The media misleads us to believe that there are so many people in same-sex relationships, but in fact, less than 2% (or maybe even 1%)of Canadians are homosexuals. What the media considers "Majority" is really and truly actually the "Minority". Hope you don't mind me posting this on your blog! On a side note...are you in the zip code "90210"? September 5, 2008 at 11:03 AM

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