A few Saturdays ago, we (the other bridesmaids and I) hosted Kimberly's bridal shower over here and it turned out to be a FAB-u-lous event if I may say so!
It's no wonder Kimberly and I are such good friends... as she puts it recently on her oh-so-adorable "Life is Peachy" blog: We are two gals cut from the same cloth, just different dye lots!
Plus, we both have this minor-obsession with anything Real Simple or Martha-esque and would prefer DIY nights at home to many other girls-night alternatives. Haha.
Well, these traits certainly manifested themselves for her shower... including The Cake! We tried the DIY fondant then Mike and I put together some homemade marshmallow fondant a few nights before the shower. After working with both pre-made and home-made fondant, I think I'll stick with the pre-made stuff from here on out. The stuff we made must not have been quite right because we had some cracking and sticking problems. All in all, I was able to use the decorations to cover up the sad mess of a fondant cake that I'd put together... and it turned out "not bad" for a home-made cake.
Here's a look at the "innards" ... it turned out SOOO tasty with adding pudding to the mix and using the regular store-bought frosting for the middle layers.
More sweets, and proof of why Jason is so SWEET on Kimberly: She's not afraid to voice her opinon. (Another reason why we must be friends!) haha
For the party-favors we wanted to do something a little more nutritious to counteract all the sweets, so we went with her "Life is Peachy" theme...
...and the PEACH didn't stop there...what's more appropriate that bellinis to go along with the mimosas?
Last but not least, we threw together a few quick flower arrangements using these elegant candle holders and Publix 3-for-10 flower bunches. Yep, a whole $10 spent on these pretty buds!
In the end, it was a great DIY trial-run for the BIGGER event - the actual wedding flowers and cake! We are however getting the pre-made fondant and she has access to a wholesale florist so this should be fun!